Sunday, 1 April 2012


My time in Benaulim was probably the quietest of my misadventures and as I'm running pretty far behind and every 'Cyber Cafe' (I figure this just means a hot box room with 10 sweaty Indians trying to inconspicuously look at porn despite the 'Strictly No Porno' signs dotted about!) I go into seems to have a problem with the A/C and as its 40 outside its rather uncomfortable in here!
I "treated" myself to a rickshaw when I arrived at Margao to take me the final part of the journey to Benaulim, as per usual the taxi drivers are on a commission racket and will take you to their mates hotel, who may actually be a cheaper option if not for the taxi mans commission being slapped onto your bill. Although I was specific in my location I found myself at Sousagad's Guesthouse, an old bearded man lit a cigarette and looked my up and down, he decided he did have a room and I obligingly followed him through his tobacco reek to his small, musty smelly over priced room. I politely declined and then insisted to the driver to take me to the hotel I had originally requested, this game went on for another 2 guesthouses until a women, who looked like she had just rolled out of bed despite it being 3 in the afternoon, waved down the rickshaw and showed me the apartment with its princely price tag of 350 rupees a night (about 4 quid), this is how I found myself a tenant of Jesboa Mansions!
Jessica (aka Jesboa) was a friendly woman who lived there with her daughter, her husband and son had just left to go on the boats for the next 9 months, as it was her sons first time she was worried sick, as I result I found her adopting a mothering figure with me, bringing me regular cups of tea and pakoras and offering to cook for me at nights. I took her up on this offer now and again although that came to an end when she served me up a bowl of mackerel mayonnaise with rice, I felt bad as I snuck through to the toilet with it to reunite it once for with the water however it was by far the worst thing I had been served since I arrived.

The days were spent lazing at the empty beaches, the crowd was a little older then everywhere else I had been but it made for a pretty relaxed atmosphere and I quite happily quaffed fresh lime soda and enjoyed some OAP nagging for the week I was there.

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